A review of Glossier balms, perfecting skin tint, and milky jelly cleanser

GLOSSIER8Glossier is an indie brand with strong momentum. The mission is skin first, and then makeup.

Hopefully this review will help you decide if you’re willing to give it a try!

  1. “Balm Dotcom”

Two months ago I received a small rose balm in my Ipsy bag. The packaging is cleaner than the comparable rosebud salve from “Smiths”, as the packaging is in a tube not a tin. The rose balm has the slightest pink tint that goes with the idea of a happy medium between skincare and makeup.

On the left: Coconut balm Dotcom, On the right : Rose Balm Dotcom

While the tiny is a nice accent, it limits the product strictly to the lips. Glossier also included a coconut balm with my order, which was clear and versatile. The clear balm was a tad more dense and heavy on the lips. Both hydrated well and had a pleasant scent. It has become my go to and I’m obsessed!

  1. Perfecting skin tint 

The perfecting skin tint’s packaging is perfect. Clean, simple, making it easier to keep free of acne causing bacteria. The consistency is like regular liquid foundation, until you put it on and it is as light as a feather, along with that has barely any pigment.

It is one of the few makeup products I would actually apply with my hands, because any brush makes it streaky and lack coverage. Over the day it warms up to your skin and perfects complexion nicely. It’s good for when your skin is a mess and you want a little coverage, but still want your skin to breathe. 

  1. Milky Jelly Cleanser

glossier5This is probably the only thing I was truly disappointed with. The first time I used it, I was about to wash my face before bed. I had on a full face of neutral makeup, and this couldn’t make a dent. Actually, it’s the solution of the soap. Harsh bases can remove all dirt and grime but strip your skin, however, unless you’re a baby, this soap is far too gentle. It glided right over my makeup. I would not buy this again and I actually just tossed the $8 mini.

Author: sunnyscar

Hi honeyyy, it's scar baby!

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